Leveling the Playing Field furnishes schools and community organizations with free sports equipment enabling those groups to provide affordable and accessible youth sports activities for their children who otherwise would not have such opportunities. LPF has saved 2,400+ programs over $18M since we began our work in 2013.
For any questions regarding the application, please send an email to info@levelingtheplayingfield.org.
There are three simple steps that are required before receiving equipment from LPF:
1. Fill out our Grant Application
2. We Will Schedule a Site Visit or Call
Once our staff has reviewed your application, we will schedule a site visit during which we will meet in person and take a tour of your facility. Due to COVID restrictions, we may choose to schedule a site call via video.
If you do not have a site for us to visit, we will schedule an interview with you at one of our warehouses. Please allow LPF staff 1-2 weeks to process and review your application before scheduling a site visit/warehouse interview.
3. Schedule Equipment Pick-Up/Delivery
Once your application has been approved, an LPF staff member will set up a time for you to come pick up equipment from our warehouse. For programs outside of the area, we will ship equipment to your location, but you are responsible for the cost of shipping.
All appointments to pick up equipment must be made with at least 24 hours notice.
In most cases, LPF offers beneficiaries access to our warehouse space. This service is primarily provided for programs within the Greater Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia areas, however, any program awarded an equipment grant can take advantage of a warehouse’s resources if they choose to send a representative.
Each program only needs to apply for an equipment grant once.
After they are in the system, they do not need to apply again. After the initial meeting, programs can email LPF staff with a date and time to coordinate pickups.
Feel free to utilize our resources as often as you need us!